Monday, January 30, 2012

Going Home

OK so you guys are weird.. lol well some of you.. but anystankhoe thanks to the 6 people *last time i checked* who commented i will choose my fave and send you an for your eyes only or something of that nature.. but on to the situation at hand.. i promised @minajmahbodyy if she posted a chapter id do the same.. so yeah here's your chapter don't know why i bother with telling y'all to comment y'all never do (some of you) but  please COMMENT thank  you..

safaree sat on the chair with the legs up he was curled in a blanket with his chin on caiahs head. safaree still had the game they played in his hand and caiah had the cover half wan on the floor.

"oh my lambchop." Nicki said getting off the bed going over to caiah shaking him.





"no its Nicki."

"huh what are you...?"

" damn caiah shhhh just get up come lay up here."

"no but our hurt and we know how i sleep Nicki."

"you will be fine just get up there i cant watch you sleep like that."

"well what about sb?"

"what about him hes fine. come on lambchop i don't want you laying here."

"really Nicki I'm fine."

Nicki gave caiah a blank stare and watched as he got into the bed. she moved the covers and got into the bed too after kissing safaree on  the head.


"yes caiah?"

"is she going to come back?"

"is who going to come back?"

"they may treat me like I'm stupid and don't know but i know every thing."

"you know everything like what?"

"i know that you and safaree not doing too good. and that his ex girlfriend is doing this stuff to you. i know that mommy is scared because you continue to see her as a doctor and so is Candi Lauren daddy and safaree. i know that everything that is happening is not good for you or the babies. and that I'm scared because loosing you is something i could never think about. and that even though this is my first time being around you that i love my nice and nephew so much and they not even here yet."

"hmmm is that right lambchop? let me say that I'm not going to continue to see her as a doctor. and yeah me and safaree not getting along but when you love someone you work through those problems. I'm working on everything caiah and I'm trying to calm down for the twins and everyone. this is hard though lambchop the hardest thing your big sister has ever had to do but i promise you I'm trying."

"i know you are. you changed. i think you  have become a way better person than you all ready were. even though i don't no how much more better it could get." caiah said laying his head on the pillow behind Nicki's arm.

"i love you lambchop."

"i love you Nick."

"hey caiah?"


"can i tell you something?"

"sure shoot."

"you have to promise not to think I'm crazy and not to tell anyone."

"i promise."

"i saw them."

"saw who?"
"the babies but not as newborns."


"i saw them as toddlers."

"i don't get what your saying."

"i know but in time you will."

"Zion the boy he came to me the ride to the hospital in the ambulance and told me god told him to tell me some things. and the girl came to me moments before Michelle came in here."

"how did they look."

"beautiful macaiah the boy had long braids and hes a thumb sucker big beautiful eyes. the girl had the same big beautiful eyes and curly locks."

"they sound beautiful."

"they are." Nicki said drifting off to sleep

"night Nick."

"night lamb... chop," Nicki said drifting off into a sleep.



"look at macaiah." Candi said to ms carol.

"i know i don't know why she spoils him so."

"wait she told him to get up there?"

"mmhmm last night."

"y'all can leave my baby alone." Nicki said waking up.

"hes not a baby any more onika."

"wrong ma hes my baby. and it was not right for him to have to sleep in that chair looking like that bafoon does." Nicki said pointing at safaree.

"why didn't you tell safaree to get in the bed with you?"

"because lambchop needed it more." Nicki said smiling getting off the bed.

Nicki grabbed the bag full of clothes safaree had laying next to the bed she grabbed a outfit and some underclothes and set them on the window sill.

"onika what are you doing."

"she told me last night i may be able to go home. i cant sleep in here the way I'm suppose to I'm ready to go home and be in my bed. i miss my baby. speaking of her if your here where is Minnie?" Nicki said looking at Candi.

"at Laurens."

"Lauren don't like my dog. i swear if my baby dies." Nicki said shaking her head getting back in the bed.

"shes not going to die. call her and check on her i bet shes fine."

"no Lauren better not kill my dog!" Nicki said picking up the remote to the TV.

"ms. maraj?"

"yes that would be me."

"ha ha who is this liddle one?"

"that's my brother."

"is it OK if he stays while i check you out?"

"yes its fine does that mean all the others have to leave?"

"yes it does."

"OK y'all heard the lady." Nicki said looking around the room.

"I'm not leaving." safaree said sitting up in the chair.

the nurse turned to look at Nicki and Nicki looked at safaree.

"don't look at me like that I'm not going." he said crossing his legs.

"OK well hes fine too."

"OK ms. maraj I'm just going to have you answer a few questions."


"on a scale of 1-10 the pain your experience is a?"

"its not so much of a pain. its sore."

"OK that's a good sign."

"have you felt the babies move yet."

"no am i suppose to?"

"your about four months so you should sometime soon."

"oh well no not yet."

"they may not be ready just yet."

"i wish they were." Nicki said rubbing her baby bump.

"well when they do decide it will be like nothing you ever dreamed of. now I'm just going to check a few other things and when I'm done ill get your papers so you can go home."


"feel free to shower just make sure you keep that bandage dry. if you need me between the time i get your papers all set and now feel free to call."

"OK thank you!" Nicki said getting out of the bed going to the shower.


in the lobby...

"Robbert do you have kyles number?"

"no why do you need to talk to him."

"I'm going to see if i can get him to fin this woman. i don't like that she messing with my child. ii want her put away."

"look carol maybe this is something you don't need to be getting involved with."

"what do you mean our child's life is at stake. not only our child but our grandchildren and your telling me i don't need to be involved."

"i wasn't saying it like that I'm just saying what if she comes after you?"

"then she comes Robbert! Ive lived a full life and if its my time to go then ill go but my baby has yet to live."

"carol listen to what your saying."

"i know what I'm saying Robbert."

"i don't think you do. the police is looking for her."

"and so will the FBI Robbert now please stop talking to me." ms carol said brushing past Robbert.

"whats going on?" safaree said looking at the faces of ms carol and Robbert.

"nothing." ms carol said short of words.

"so who is this guy you know?"

"its jelanis new girlfriends dad."

"oh word?"

"yes he works for the FBI and i just figured i could run him the picture and a name and he could put her away."

"maybe you should let me talk to him."

"perfect safaree could talk to him so you wouldn't have to." Robbert said walking over to ms carol.

"you just don't want me talking to him in thoughts that the child will come looking for me."

"he has a point mama maraj."

"i know he does but i rather her come for me than her."

"i rather her come for me than the both of you mama." safaree said walking over to ms carol touching her face.

"OK but when you call please tell him you know me. tell him everything safaree leave nothing out! i want this girl put away."

"yes ma'am."

ok yall i have to do some things maybe ill post again later but lol that enough to keep yall for a while.. right...? if not oh well lol dont forget to comment no song for this one but i will have one next chapter.. i think.. lol


  1. I'm glad she's going home but I hope this Michelle girl disappears soon. I also hope that Nic and Faree get it together and fix everything!

  2. Glad she's going home but but this michelle character needs to vanish soon .

  3. Put me in the story so i can kill that hoe.......anywhore WHERES THE REST??? Smh..story be getting mad good then you go and cut it not with the playing with my emotions -_- POST SOON DAMMIT!!!

  4. ok for my pissing moment " jkhdbfkjhdghbsdkdbljhdgkjgjhabahbfkdshbgkalajdbglbakjblkjdghlsuytouewughpiuuoigpqhgoqhehy"ok im done" MORE!

  5. Lmfaoooo Mama Maraj went gangsta lol, ima need for the physco chick to be killed out cause she is doing the most and yay my Nicki poo is doing better :)

  6. Aw Caiah is so smart u cant hide ish from him lol. Nicki & Caiah's convo >>>>>>> to cute. Mama Carol dont play bout her kids & Robbert should know that by now, she bout to pop TF off on him lol. I hope this hoe gets caught or dies like she getting on my last nerve! (-_-)
    Great chapter!


  7. I'm so sick of Michelle >___< crazy ass
    Pop' Nic she can never catch a break

  8. Sighs........ I love this chapter. Lambchops knows it all. Michelle needs to get caught.
